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Full Stack Development - STAIR

Full Stack Development

What Is​ Full Stack

Full stack development: It refers to the development of both front end(client side) and back end(server side) portions of web application.
Full stack web Developers: Full stack web developers have the ability to design complete web applications and websites.

Full Stack Course Roadmap

"The Journey to your future readiness begins here"

Getting Started​

Psychometric Assessment to identify the right career path using your core strength. 1x1 Counselling

Choose the training/research track

Learn the basics of mathematics & Statistics

Design Thinking

Models to uplift you to think creatively and use ChatGPT type AI tools that can enrich your problem solving skills to be an impact maker at your job.

Tour into the world of Data Science

An End to End training on Data Science, Tools, Tracks, Mental models

Full Stack​

HTML, CSS, JavaScript/Angular JS PHP, MySQL, Bootstrap, jQuery, Core Java, React JS, Node JS, .NET FS, Cloud, Dev Ops

Research breakthroughs​

Hands on support to make you perform break through researches​ Feasibility & ROI Analysis​ Market Research and Monetization​

Profile Building & Ready to Market

Linked In, YouTube, CV support, Interview readiness

On the Job Support

Handholding support for first 2 months while on your job.


C#.Net Content

  • Fundamentals – class, method, variable and scope
  • Data type, parameters & Arguments
  • Return type, return statement & reusability
  • Loops, conditions & Operators
  • OOPs – Inheritance, Polymorphism (Method Overloading, Method Overriding)
  • Virtual method invocation, abstract class, interface, encapsulation
  • Constructor – default constructor, user defined constructor, constructor overloading, this() method, super() method, static block, init block, final keyword(class,method,variable),static keyword – in same class, different class
  • Application Programming Interfaces (API)
  • Math class, String class, StringBuffer, StringBuilder class
  • Exception Handling, File Handling
  • Wrapper classes (8)
  • Thread – Multi Thread, synchronizarion
  • Collection & Generics – List – ArrayList, LinkedList, Vector
  • Set – HashSet, LinkedHashSet, TreeSet
  • Collections

To cover these syllabi, we require 18 days class

ASP.NET Syllabus


Introduction to web technology and HTML

Chapter Topics
Introduction to web technologies ➤ What is Web site
➤ Features of web sites
➤ Usage of the web sites
➤ Types of Web Sites (Static & Dynamic)
➤ Difference between static & dynamic web sites
➤ What is Designing & Web Development
HTML tags➤ Body tag
➤ Heading tags
➤ Paragraph tag
➤ Pre tag
➤ Text formatting tags
HTML tags ➤ Entities
➤ Font tag
➤ Hr tag
➤ List tag
➤ Table tag


Creating Forms, Hyper-links, Webpages and Frames

Chapter Topics
Creating forms➤ Form tag features & syntax
➤ Inout tag features & syntax
➤ Creating List & Drop down list controls using Select tag
➤ How to create multiline text entry controls using textarea tag
How to create Hyper links, insert images in web pages ,
create frames
➤ Anchor tag syntax & examples on creating locale links, e-mail links,
named links & external links.
➤ Img tag Syntax & with example
➤ Creating frames with iframe, frameset, frame


Learning of CSS and its properties 

Chapter Topics
Intoduction of CSS➤What is CSS
➤ HTML Limitations
➤ CSS Features
➤ Types of CSS
➤ Sample example
CSS Properties ➤Color and Background Properties
➤ Font Properties
➤ Border Properties
➤ List Properties
➤ Margin Properties
➤ Padding Properties


Details on Class and ID Selectors, Pseudo selectors and working of Style sheets

Chapter Topics
Class and ID Selectors➤ Class and ID Selectors Introduction
➤ About Class Selectors
➤ ID Selectors
Pseudo selectors:➤Pseudo classes
➤ Pseudo elements
Inline & External Style Sheets ➤Inline Style Sheets
➤ External Style Sheets


Introduction on ASP.NET

Chapter Topics
ASP.NET Introduction ➤ What is Scripting
➤ Client & Server Side Scripting
➤ Scripting Languages Introduction
➤ What is ASP?
➤ What is ASP+?
➤ What is ASP.net
ASP.NET Application Creation ➤ Creating Web Site
➤ What is Web Form
➤ Standard Controls Introduction
➤ Hyperlink, Button web Server Controls


Learning on Standard Controls

Chapter Topics
Standard Controls ➤ Label
➤ Literal
➤ TextBox
➤ Calendar
➤ Dropdown List
Standard Controls ➤ Listbox
➤ Checkbox List
➤ RadioButtonList
➤ Bulleted List


More info on Standard controls

Chapter Topics
Standard Controls ➤ View and MultiView control
➤ Adrotator Control
➤ Image and ImageMap Control.
➤ FileUpload control.
➤ Panel control.
➤ Placeholder control.


Learning on Validation Controls

Chapter Topics
Validation Controls➤ Validating Form with Validation Controls of Asp.net
➤ Using RequiredFieldvalidator control
➤ Using CompareValidator Control
➤ Using RangeValidator Control
➤ Using CustomValidator control
➤ Create Server-side / Client-side functions for – CustomValidator Control


What is intrinsic objescts and Web user controls

Chapter Topics
Web user control
Web Custom Controls
➤ Web user control
➤ Web Custom Controls
Intrinsic objects ➤ About Intrinsic objects
➤ Response
➤ Request


Session Management

Chapter Topics
Session Management ➤ About Cookies
➤ Application object
➤ Session Object


Introduction to SQL & ADO.net

Chapter Topics
ADO.net➤ ADO.net Introduction
➤ .NET Data Provides
➤ Sample ADO Programs
SQL Introduction ➤ SQL Introduction
➤ Working on create tables, Inserting, alternating , Updating Tables
➤ Select Command


Data Controls

Chapter Topics
Data Controls ➤ GridView Control


Grid view Controls and little more on Data Controls

Chapter Topics
GridView Control➤ GridView Control
Data Controls➤ Data Binding with List Controls I.e. Dropdownlist, Listbox
➤ BulletedList, Checkboxlist, RadiobuttonList controls
➤ Detailsview and DataList controls
➤ Form view and Reater control.



Chapter Topics
Internationalization➤ Internationalization Introduction
➤ Resources Files
➤ Using Global Resource files.
➤ Using Local Resource files.
Internationalization➤CultureInfo class
➤ Number Formatting
➤ Currency Formatting


About Skins and themes, Mail and Membership Management,

Chapter Topics
Skins and Themes ➤ About Skins and Themes
➤ Working on Default Skins.
➤ Working on Named Skins
System.net.Mail Names ➤ MailAttachment Class
➤ MailMessage Class
➤ SmtpMail Class
➤ Woking on Sending E-Mail
Membership Management ➤ Web Site Administration Tool: Users and Roles Management
➤ Login, Loginview, Loginstate, ChangePassword,
➤ password Recovery Controls.


All about Navigation and Web.Sitemap

Chapter Topics
Navigation Controls ➤ About Navigation controls
➤ Menu control
➤ Treeview Control
➤ SiteMap Path Control
Site Map File ➤ About Web.sitemap file
➤ Working on web.sitemap file br>


What is Master pages & Global.asax file and configuration

Chapter Topics
Master Pages ➤ What is Global.asax file
➤ Working is Global.asax file
Gloabal.asax File ➤ What is Global.asax file
➤ Working on Global.asax File
Web.config File ➤ What is Web.config File .
➤ Working on Web.config File


Introduction to AJAX and its control Toolkit

Chapter Topics
AJAX Extension Controls ➤ What is AJAX.
➤ About ScriptManager Control
➤ AAbout Update Panel control
➤ About Update Progress control.
AJAX Control ToolKit➤ Introducing AJAX Control Tookit.
➤ Woking to AJAX Control Toolkit
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